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cute kids smiling

Early Childhood

The program aims to develop children socially & emotionally.

kids running

Summer Camp

Have your child embark on a great summer experience with us.

happy family smiling

Parent Workshops

Join our workshops and learn tips and other parenting skills.

kids smiling

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Humane Education in Miami, Florida

Building future generations where children can have emotional and social stability is the goal of Peaceful Child Education. We help redefine peace in the community by teaching self-regulation and informed decision-making skills that are focused on humane education and training.

By joining our Peaceful Child community, we expect that all parents and children respect and maintain the positive beliefs of our center.

Peaceful Child is a center that helps build future generations where children can have emotional and social stability. We help redefine peace in the community by teaching self-regulation and informed decision-making skills that are focused on humane education and training. Children are taught they are valued members of society and build a foundation for compassion towards humanity, animals and the earth. The strategies we use help children to listen and understand each other. Through positive role-modeling, we teach how to build trust and engage in effective relationships. We model how to make responsible and wise choices by understanding that their behavior and choices have natural consequences. We teach awareness and compassion of the different environments the world contains. There is more to the world than what is immediately around us.

Our Peaceful PromiseAll members of our community will follow this promise.

  • We are gentle, kind, and helpful to all things; we do not harm
  • We listen; we do not interrupt
  • We are honest; we do not cover up the truth
  • We work together; we do not work against each other
  • We understand and respect each other’s process; everyone works at a different pace

These peaceful promises are a way to bring the concept of peace to the forefront of children’s minds, enabling them to become more aware of the consequences of their choices, both negative and positive.


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a lady assisting the kids

Our Commitment

Mission Statement

To provide a safe, quality, educational program that encourages compassion, empathy, diversity, mindfulness, and peace.

About Us

Our Commitment

Vision Statement

To create an environment that supports each child emotionally and builds a generation that will bring peace to this world.

cute kids smiling

Guiding Values

Partnerships Excellence Accountability Compassion Empathy

group of kids smiling with a adult lady

Health and Safety Measures

Peaceful Child Education follows established guidelines from the Florida Department of Public Health including:

  • Face Coverings
  • Physical Distancing
  • Proper Hygiene
  • Health Screenings
  • Cleaning and
  • Disinfecting

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Send Your Referrals

We aim to support every child we can. Let us know if you have friends who need our programs.

a lady smiling with the kids